
Google cloud webtrees
Google cloud webtrees

google cloud webtrees

If the VPN goes down, the container goes down. If the script doesn't activate, the container doesn't start. Qbittorrent-wireguard - This container has a wireguard script on it. I keep everything from Adventures of Tom and Huck to Zodiac, lots of history and philosophy and cook books. Server dashboard and HTTPS access to shell (just in case)Ĭalibre/Kavita - I like books, Kavita is a better reader than Calibre-web but Calibre is a better ebook management suite than Kavita. Static website builder for personal documentation Powerful reverse proxy and TLS endpoint for web servicesĪccess the server shell safely using persistent sessions Regarding the most used tools to interact with the server: Tool I also used Radicale a lot, but I recently switched to Google Calendars and Contacts for convenience

google cloud webtrees

Mail, accessing through Alps webmail or an IMAP app

#Google cloud webtrees password

Password manager with Bitwarden Enterprise featuresĪccounting (not budgeting), importing transactions from bank or manually through a mobile appĪccess my music library as if it was Spotify Nowadays we can self host the world, but what are the services that really makes the difference to you? ServiceĭNS resolver for LAN that blocks ads and features anonymized queries What Is SelfHosted, As it pertains to this subreddit? Also include hints and tips for less technical readers. We welcome posts that include suggestions for good self-hosted alternatives to popular online services, how they are better, or how they give back control of your data. Service: Blogger - Alternative: WordPress Service: Google Reader - Alternative: Tiny Tiny RSS Service: Dropbox - Alternative: Nextcloud While you're here, please Read This FirstĪ place to share alternatives to popular online services that can be self-hosted without giving up privacy or locking you into a service you don't control.

Google cloud webtrees